Flexible circuits are used in various applications where conductors are connected to each other,these conductor interconnections must be bendable or be able to remain bent for long periods of use. In the past, this interconnect technology was implemented using wire interconnections.
There are many kinds of flexible circuits:
One is a two-way
The production process of a flexible printed circuit board is basically similar rigid PCB.For some operations, the flexibility of the laminates requires different devices and completely different processing methods.Most flexible PCB uses a negative method.However, there are some difficulties in the machining of flexible laminated plates and in the process of coaxial
Flex PCB is Flexible Printed Circuit Board, abbreviated FPC, also known as flexible circuit board, or flexible board.According to the definition of IPC, flexible printed circuit board is a printed circuit designed and manufactured on flexible substrate.
Flexible circuit board is one of the important varieties of PCB.
FPC board is generally range
Flex Printed Circuit(FPC) Plating
It may have adhesive or ink pollution on exposed copper conductor surface after FPC coating process when FPC plating pre-processing. There will be oxidation,discoloration due to high temperature process.we must remove the contamination and oxide layer of conductor surface in order to obtain a good adhesion of close
Bubble and overflow glue are common questions of FPC quality.Coverlay flow follow press temperature go up lead to copper pad adhesion glue like epoxy.
The reasons of glue overflow
It involve many aspects,like coverylay protection in process,FPC factory technology parameter,environment protection,worker operation,etc.
One of reasons: Coverlay parameter when making.
When CL is coating and